John Deere's Dr. Engel on International Green Week and more - Farming Simulator Podcast #29

Info: Der Podcast wird in der Regel in englischer Sprache aufgezeichnet, um möglichst viele Fans auf der ganzen Welt zu erreichen. Daher ist diese Episode ausschließlich in englischer Sprache verfügbar - wir bitten um euer Verständnis. Wichtige Informationen werden nie ausschließlich via Podcast kommuniziert, sodass ihr nichts verpasst.

The boys are back for the first episode in 2023! We are glad to be back and hope you all had a good start. This time, Chaki talked to Dr. Thomas Engel from John Deere about the International Green Week in Berlin, Precision Farming, and digitalization in agriculture. Don't miss out on this exciting episode!…bsNNR?si=e260d56b4d6d432c

The official Farming Simulator Podcast is also on Spotify, Apple Music and Google Podcast. Check it out and subscribe, so you don't miss a single episode! We release a new episode every month!

We discuss exciting themes and topics around the fabulous world of Farming Simulator. Community Manager Lars aka "Lisertan", and both Community Coordinators Chris aka "Chaki" & Kermit aka "Kerminator" talk about the latest topics from the Farming Simulator universe and invite guests for special insights.

Give us your feedback, please!

The main reason why we introduce the Farming Simulator Podcast, is to get one more step closer to you, our community. We always keep our eyes open in all places to look out what's going on. We're on Discord, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.

With the podcast, feel free to shoot your questions directly for the purpose of getting answered into a polished and shiny microphone! Feedback and questions can be mailed directly to

Quelle: Farming-Simulator

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